Thursday, March 1, 2012

Conference Countdown

On the general conference facebook page they have this countdown for all of March until the next general conference. Each day in the month of March you are to read one or two talks from the last conference in order to prepare for the upcoming one. Chloe and I decided to take on this challenge, and the funny thing is that we wont even be able to watch conference this April because we will be in Paris. We will try our hardest though. On top of this challenge we are already reading the whole Book of Mormon together by the last day of our program. On top of that, we decided to do this Ab workout thing for the whole month of March. So by the last day of March we will have read the whole BOM and then that whole Conference Countdown aaannnd that Ab workout thing. This March is truly going to be a month of madness, but so worth it. This month is going to be so great and spiritually strengthening. I can already feel the spirit with me more often which makes me realize when I dont have it. It makes me realize that I need to read the scriptures everyday in order to keep the spirit with me and that I need it to make even my everyday decisions. I love this church so much and it is the only thing in the world that makes me truly happy. I have been blessed so graciously to have been born in the church to the Parham family. I am huge fan of goal making and doing stuff like this so I am so glad that Chloe is my roomate and likes to do the same stuff. This is going to be a great last month of the program!

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